Single Reviews



                                                                      CASH CREEK

                                                                "Lucky in Love" 

                                                                CCB Nashville





As CCB Nashville continues forging into July and the second half of their ambitious #newmusicfriday initiative, as has been par for the course, the second Friday release of the month belongs to Cash Creek.

We’ve seen Cash Creek unravel many different layers of their arsenal over the first 6 months of the year while holding tightly to their signature vibe that leans unapologetically on a 90’s country tilt; even when they’re pushing it forward into some slick modern production elements to add a different depth.

They’ve given us a stunning cover of Maggie Rose’s “It’s You,” hit our heartstrings with “January,” and reassured their better half on “My Heart’s Goin’ Nowhere.”

“I Love My Life,” their release from this past month, gave us a bounce along rhythm that perfectly suited the warmer weather months as its lyrics praised the love he’s found, coming at it from an awestruck perspective while describing how wonderful she makes him feel as she was the missing happiness that now completes his life.

Their brand-new single, “Lucky in Love,”  in many ways acts as a second part to “I Love My Life” as it continues to explore the in-love feelings being experienced from a similar awestruck perspective.

Written by Corey Lee Barker and Jason Turner, both Monty DeVita and Kimo Forrest take on the leads to add a different vocal dynamic then we’ve heard from the group over their past few releases as it gives us both vocalists on one song pulling us through a clap along with feel that fuses a modern touched pop country backbeat into their signature 90’s country flare.

The ultra-catchy guitars keep you bopping along as the opening verse leans on lines that praise his better half and how much she means to his life: 

I can’t get this close to heaven girl with anyone else

I can’t imagine what it is that I keep doing so right 

To be blessed enough to get to touch an angel each and every night

The second verse is craftily used to show who he used to be versus how far he’s come because of now having her in his life, singing us through lines that admit that while he’s been with a pretty girl or two in the past, none of them have ever loved him the way that she is right now and that kind of love is the sole reason that he’s better than he ever has been.

The refreshing mid-tempo vibe perfectly wraps around the vocal delivery to encapsulate the in awe with her feelings that are being expressed throughout the song as he asks astonishingly, “how did I get so lucky in love?” resonating with any listener who has found that one person that comes into their life and immediately changes everything for the better!

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)

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