Single Reviews

  ALEX MILLER- My Daddy's Dad - Billy Jam Records

Though Alex Miller has brushed modern aspects into his traditionally laced style on his previous efforts, his latest EP, My Daddy’s Dad, is a full embrace of his roots that sees him crafting country storytelling over down-home melodies that hold tightly to his influences while stepping into his uniqueness to define who he is in this now chapter. 

Regarding the title track of the EP, Miller glowed when we chatted with him during the Country Radio Seminar (CRS) a few months ago:

“It’s a song about my granddad, GB Miller, who passed away about two years ago. He was a big influence on my life; the reason I’m doing what I do. He could barely play the radio, but he loved country music and instilled that into me. So, with this song I really want people to get to know my granddad and who he was to me. My grandmother says that it’s just him in a song.”

Written by Alex and Jerry Salley, the soft whispers through the guide of the melody wrap around you like a warm embrace as Miller’s built in twang drips nostalgic when he opens the black and white photo album to endearingly tell the story of his grandfather’s life.

Travelling from his birth in 1947 through the different decades that followed, we’re invited to sit alongside Alex on the couch at his grandparent’s farmhouse as he flips the cellophane lined pages and allows each next picture to continually tell the story of his hero’s life.

However, underlaying the overall lore of who his grandfather is sits the true depth of the song as it really begins to layer the ideas of who Alex Miller is today because of his granddad.

He grew up an Opry junkie,” “He bought me my first guitar,”Music was his passion,” and “The biggest fan I'll ever have,” are all very poignant lines written throughout the lyrics that expertly accent the heartfelt gratitude of Miller’s tone as he strikes pure admiration in the chorus:

“He's the reason why I play and sing

To me that old man means everything

Growing up he was the greatest grandpa any boy could have

My Daddy's Dad”

 Whenever a singer-songwriter crafts something from such a personal space as Alex Miller has done with “My Daddy’s Dad,” there’s always the risk that it’s so uber personal that it’s often unrelatable to the listener. However, he’s mapped a masterpiece here. Though the story of his grandfather’s life may not match perfectly with our own lineage the morals and values that are tallied throughout the lyric absolutely will, inducing our own cherished memories while taking us back to when life was simple.

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)




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