"Right About Now"
Independent Release
Since releasing his debut EP Leave This Town in 2016, Timmy Brown has been building a very strong following within the Northeastern region he calls home. However, 2021 saw him expand that reach when he earned critical acclaim for his debut LP Good Life, turning Music City industry and media heads towards him to create a buzzworthy atmosphere that’s surrounding his brand of decisively modern pop country.
Continuing to ride that wave of momentum, Brown now returns with his new single “Right About Now,” and intriguingly experiments with an edgier feel that he’s skillfully fused into his signature pop country sound.
With processed beats lacing the simplicity of the background instrumentation, Brown uses a regretful tone in his vocals over the remorseful opening verse that sees him looking in the mirror to relive the words of a breakup by singing us through the juxtaposition of what each of them said – her saying that he’d miss her smile and kiss and would be wanting her back, while he swore that he’d better on his own and wouldn’t let hearing a single song bring back her memory.
But as he punches into the tempo driven chorus, he fully admits as he now finds himself trying to drink her memory away that she was 100% right about how he’d be feeling in this moment right now!
As the song progresses, Brown continues to admit more and more of the looking back now regrets he’s carrying with him, from realizing he should have held her tighter, to being wrong about how he’d be going out to paint the town instead of drowning the memory of what was.
We’ve all been here before.
We’ve all lived with regrets of the words we said during a breakup after we’ve had time to process what we actually let go of.
The simplicity in most of the instrumentation throughout the song allows Timmy Brown to utilize his voice in all the proper ways so that it encompasses the emotional anxiety of the lyrics, giving this a transparent honesty that allows anyone dealing with this situation to know that they aren’t alone in their struggles.
With a hot buzz already starting to surround him, “Right About Now” is a perfect showcase of the pure talent in his vocal prowess while it also puts on a full display all of the signature feels that make him uniquely his own artist!
(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)
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