Single Reviews

  SARAHBETH TAITE - Diamond and a Baby - Independent Release

With her last single, “Pretty Good Living,” Sarahbeth Taite showcased a lyric of peaceful contentment, brushing an aura of living and learning, growing stronger together in marriage through the little moments of navigating life’s trenches side by side to make everything feel that much sweeter.

She now returns with her brand-new single, “Diamond and a Baby,” continuing to embrace that same contentment as she raises a celebration to marriage, motherhood, and the simple things of everyday life that truly matter most.

Co-written by Taite, Chris Rafetto, and Phil Barton, the feel-good flow of the melody instantly injects a sunshiny vibe into the overall essence as Sarahbeth places her stellar vocal atop the addictive rhythm, tallying married mom life moments while masterfully weaving the story of falling more and more in love with her husband with each next chapter of their life together.

In what is a normal parent conversation about who’s turn it is to take care of the crying baby at 6AM, she opens with such a vivid snapshot of a real-life moment that the song instantly resonates the right chord with those listeners who’ve experienced this part of life, immediately pulling them in with a knowing wink.

If you get the coffee, I’ll get the girl,” she playfully poses toward her husband as the lyrical turn then expertly shifts into a deeper definition of how each experienced moment together is a new layer that further strengthens their bond.

Leading to the chorus with the declaration that “I wouldn’t change a thing,” Taite encompasses her complete blissfulness through a reminiscing memory of when they first fell in love and all the next chapter moments that led them to right here, right now:

“I feel in love with a boy and I never looked back

A little slow kissing made my heart beat fast

We were taking our time and just like that

We’re dancing in the kitchen fixin biscuits and gravy

Look at me rockin’ a diamond and a baby”

With a piece of insider advice dropped into the second half of the song that charmingly reminds those married folks that no matter how busy life can get once you have children you still “gotta make some time for lovin’,” Taite’s transparent love letter to her own life becomes the trusted friend who is happy to offer her experience to yours.

Through a pure honesty in her tonality and a relatability in her craftsmanship, Sarahbeth Taite is grabbing hold of her own life in this current chapter and writing it out in diary form in such a transparent way that it completely resonates her story with yours, connecting heartstrings through your speakers as you move through life’s moments with each next note.

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)



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