Single Reviews



                                                                      JAKE FRANCIS

                                                               "What I've Been Missing" 

                                                               Independent Release





Have you ever gotten out of a relationship where you didn’t think you’d survive the breakup, only to come out the other side of it better than you were just by simply returning to exactly who you’re meant to be?

I think when any of us look back on the past relationships we’ve had, we can all find one of these types.

This is exactly what Jake Francis explores on his newest release, “What I’ve Been Missing,” a song that feels like it was ripped out of the 2010’s era, but also allows Francis to lift his purely country vocals to the forefront and deliver the feel good that the lyrics call for.

He first weaves us through the wild emotions that come with a breakup (the mostly negative ones) such as thinking that he came out the loser on the day they said goodbye and wondering if he should have stayed to try and hold the relationship together.

The chorus, however, completely flips the script, because when he returns home and gets together with his friends, he rediscovers just how far he’s let the relationship move him away from who he’s actually meant to be.

The chorus should be classified as a sing along jam that instantly makes you bop along with one arm in the air dancing on a wave as he sings about rediscovering who he is and what’s been missing from his life: sleeping until whenever he wants to, watching the ballgames, playing golf on weekends, having poker nights, etc.

The thing that Francis does so very well with this song, is that he makes it not be spiteful in any way whatsoever. He does say in the second verse that he still wonders from time to time how she’s doing, while in the bridge he wishes her well.

This is a song that anyone who has gone through a breakup or divorce can relate to. We think it’s the end of the world in the initial moment, but then piece by piece we rediscover who we are and that’s truly when we start living life.

By touching on all sides of emotion, Jake Francis has taken us from breakup to redemption, and that positive message is one that will resonate, and more importantly, act as a guiding light to anyone going through this situation that doesn’t think they’ll make it out the other side okay.

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)



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