Single Reviews



                                                                     ELISE HARPER

                                                              "Good In Bed" 

                                                              Independent Release





It’s been since the early 2021 release of her dark, brooding single “Dirt” that we’ve heard from promising singer-songwriter Elise Harper, but she’s certainly kept busy with writing sessions and stamping her name amongst the Music City scene through high profile shows at events such as Whiskey Jam, Bus Call, and more!

She now kicks off the year with the official release of her brand-new single “Good In Bed,” a song which has already earned high praise whenever she’s performed it live and left her impression on the incredibly memorable hook.

The softer, modern pop infused style through the opening verse allows plenty of room for Harper’s crisp, clean vocal to attractively sit in the bright spotlight and entice the listener as she takes them straight into the moment at a bar when someone buys her drink.

Courteously, while she does thank him for the whiskey, she also tells that she sees the way he’s been staring at her in her form-fitting red dress as he tries to undress her with his mind, before hitting him swiftly with the block in the pre-chorus when the tempo shifts into a pounding drum, and she spews out the lines: 

You can buy another round

But then I got to shut it down

Grabbing energy off the pre-choruses sonic shift, she punches into the rock kissed edge of the chorus which sees the guitars slap you with a groove as she wraps her voice around a play on words that sees her using flirtatious references to tangled up sheets and her Tempur-Pedic mattress before sewing all of it together into the ultra-memorable hook, “I’d rather sleep alone, I’m good in bed.”

Keeping the setting in the bar through the second verse, she confesses that he has those ocean blue eyes, but as he leans in closer to her, she also reiterates that she’s shutting it down and it isn’t going to go any further than where it’s at in this moment!

With an interesting melody switch through the bridge that intriguingly breaks up the vibe of the song, Harper slaps into the out chorus with a sing along moment as she hushes the instrumentation for a few lines before hammering home the hook one last time. 

While this song certainly introduces a new feel for Elise Harper, you had to also expect that it would as it’s been a bit since we last heard from her. By advancing her overall sound forward and skillfully enhancing the signature features that she first showed us, Harper has given us a song that not only opens her next chapter but is also a bold declaration of how far she’s growing as a gifted songwriter.

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)

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