

1) You’ve got a brand-new movie coming out on March 15, 2024, Neon Highway. Tell us a bit about the movie.

It is crazy that this movie took 31 years to come to fruition. They had Johnny Cash set to star in it 31 years ago, but then he got sick, and it got shelved for 27 years.

I caught wind of it when I took a publishing meeting three and a half years ago. We sat down for a morning beer, as you do in Nashville, and the publisher said, “Before we talk music, there’s this movie and they’re looking for a lead. It could be you!”

I fly back to LA, back when I was still going back and forth, and my old agent who’s still one of my closest friends, had asked me if I’d read on this movie yet? I hit up casting, taped for it, and two weeks later he hits me back and tells me that I’m starring in it with Beau Bridges. Crazy!

And….it’s a country music movie about Nashville!

2) You’re certainly no stranger to acting with a resume of solid movies, but you got to work with the legendary Beau Bridges on his film. Take us into those moments with him for you as an actor. What learning did you soak just by doing scenes with him?

Humility. Gratitude. Humor.

Well, well, well before this, for most of my life, Beau has been a hero of mine. Growing up, I’d go through my parents’ records, and I came across The Fabulous Baker Boys. One of the greatest soundtracks ever made.

I have respected Beau for as long as I can remember. And you never know when you audition for a movie, it might not ever go. Or it might go but never come out.

This was such a blessing. It was such a massive surprise to learn that not only was I going to be part of it, but also with a guy that I’ve looked up to my entire life.

3) Besides the film, you’ve also been cranking out a lot of new music these past few months. Tell us more about your songwriting side and the substantial growth you’ve experienced with it personally since first releasing your debut single, “Closer.”

It’s what I love more than anything; getting to write songs. I feel like it’s a craft that I can kind of gauge; my wanting to get better at it. I feel like it gauges better than going from movie to movie. You write a song and I feel like you can tap into an ether and let that come through you. It’s like putting puzzle pieces together in a divine way.

4) With all this new music coming out, although your album Ain’t Nothin’ To See Here is still fairly recent, we do have to wonder if a bigger project is on the way or if these are simply stand-along singles for the time being?

It will all be culminating in an album for sure. For the last few years, I’ve been putting pretty much every single that I’ve released over the course of that year on an album around new year’s. My schedule has just been so so crazy lately with everything and an album is a whole process to get out, but it’ll be coming.

5) We have so many aspiring songwriters and artists that read our website, so we always like to end by asking this…what is the best piece of advice you can offer?

Just do it! Take the leap. That said, it is not an easy road to pursue anything you hope or expect to make a living doing. It’s tough and a constant grind, but that’s what makes the wins even better. You have to celebrate every win, big or small.

Also, just hit ‘em up. If you’re interested in something or in someone, hit them up. DM them and see what happens. Maybe they’ll block you or it will form a lifelong friendship. Just hit ‘em up!

(Interview by: Jeffrey Kurtis)


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