Single Reviews


SPENCER CRANDALL - Worth The Wait - Independent Release

In modern era marketing of achieving viral success and then turning it into substantial airplay, major touring dates, and an exuberant fanbase who clamors for your every next song, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who has walked this strategy stronger than Spencer Crandall.

However, to remain relevant after substantial viral success, an artist needs to consistently deliver a solid connection with the listening audience that endearingly brings them into a memorable snapshot moment that resonates heart to heart.

Crandall has more than proven his abilities to strike those heart chords with songs such as “Made” and “My Person,” both which tenderly encompass the swooning emotions of finding the right one, falling in love with them, and moving into a new chapter of life together.

He taps again into that familiar emotional tug on his brand-new single, “Worth The Wait.”

Written by Crandall, Brett Truitt, and Spencer Jordan, not surprisingly the song has already garnered a massive pop on socials with over 20 million views ahead of its official release, earning Crandall what is sure to be another viral success story turned radio induced hit.

Draped masterfully by a piano melody through each of the verses, he places the heartfelt tones of his vocal in the forefront as he brings us straight to the alter, perfectly painting his varied emotions against the peaceful calm she brings to his fast-beating heart, admitting that he didn’t know he’d be so nervous on such an amazing day, while later confessing that he thought love would never happen for him but if he could go back now and talk to his younger self then he’d tell him that it will.

Through a series of heartfelt reflections that juxtapose where he used to be to where he is now because of her being part of his life, he elevates the chorus with a punch of instrumentation as he showers praise-filled appreciation on her that comparatively pulls from the Bible’s idea of true love, from darkness to light:

“Cause you’re worth the wait

All of my dark, dim, and lonely days

Every goodbye and heartbreak was pointing me home

I was just holding on

Praying you’d be out there

Holding strong

Took me forever to find you

But finally forever’s just two words away

Baby, you’re worth the wait”

With the song arriving just ahead of Valentine’s Day, “Worth The Wait” will absolutely provide the accompaniment for in love couples as they share a romantic, slow dance in their living room. Fuse that perfectly timed release with a busy wedding season coming upon us soon, and Crandall is primed to achieve a massive amount of playlist adds for many first dances this spring/summer just as he previously did with “My Person.”   

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)



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