Single Reviews



                                                                  RT JOHNSON

                                                            "Daylight Southern Time" 

                                                            CCB Nashville





While “Feel Good Again” propelled RT Johnson in monumental ways last year, it’s what he’s been able to do in the first quarter of this year that’s made his star continue to rise higher and higher as he opens new chapters each month with solid song releases through CCB Nashville’s #newmusicfriday initiative.

Johnson now delivers his third release of the year with “Daylight Southern Time,” a song that leans on a relaxed melody and chilled out vibe which allows his country boy charm and down-home personality to wrap around lyrics that pull you back to simpler times and remind us to slow down and enjoy each moment. 

Johnson paints perfect pictures throughout the song that instantly transport you to the small-town way of life with lines such as:

“Sheriffs parked down by the Tasty Freeze, with his hat pulled over his eyes.”

“Hound dog laying in the gravel drive, it doesn’t flinch when the cat walks by.”

“You could almost hear the grass grow, it’ll be a while before it’s time to mow.”

But what then exactly is “Daylight Southern Time”?

As the chorus answers beautifully, it’s as simple as a having a slowed down/enjoy your life frame of mind which Johnson thought-provokingly showcases by comparing it to being slower than a catfish biting your line, a drop of condensation trickling down the side of a cold glass (presumably of sweet tea), and slower than the ice cream melts on blackberry pie.

RT Johnson has always had a knack for taking a familiar theme to country music and somehow twisting it just enough to give it a new, exciting flavor. He does that again with ‘Daylight Southern Time,” and while this song absolutely uses several descriptive references to outline things about living in the south as the title suggests it would, he also makes it perfectly clear that this frame of mind can happen anywhere if we allow ourselves to slow down enough to experience it.

Johnson’s ability to reach the heart of the listener by boldly reminding us of what’s truly most important in life – something he also showed on “You Can’t Go Wrong” – is the exact signature that continues to connect with the audience and make him and his music so endearing!

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)



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