Single Reviews




                                                              "Dig Yourself" 

                                                              Monument Records





Ahead of their self-titled debut EP (releasing 7/9/21), country duo Tigirlily (Kendra and Krista Slaubaugh) have been teasing us with several song releases that are offering us a healthy dose of what we can expect to hear from it.

Their last release, “My Thang,” took us on a carefree, que sera, sera journey of knowing that whatever life throws your way, it’s all going to be okay if you just keep doing your thing and walking your own path.

Their brand-new release, “Dig Yourself,” takes us in a different direction as they explore the type of guys who are self-obsessed and think that they’re God’s gift to women in what essentially boils down to a kiss off/break up song.

Co-written by the duo with Shane Mcanally, Trevor Rosen and Josh Osborne, the song relies on the incredible harmonies that have become a signature of the duo, and catchy, but moody instrumentation as they deliver the stark description of the subject of the song as being one who could get away with murder with eyes as blue as his, who thinks every woman he meets is losing sleep over him later, and the type who thinks that when he looks in his mirror, he is doing it a favor.

However, the song flips direction in the second verse as it introduces the idea that the narrator and the subject of the song were once an item – a fling at the very least – and it then uses the chorus to spew out the stone-cold truth that she is done with him and that he is only kidding himself by carrying around an ego that big.

It’s difficult to find traction as a new act on the country music scene, but Tigirlily seems to have an incredible plan in place to help introduce themselves to the listening audience. And while none of the songs that they’ve teased us with ahead of the EP sound exactly alike one another, they’ve all done the trick to peak our interest - “Dig Yourself” is no exception.

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)



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