Single Reviews



                                                                      CRYSTAL MCGRATH

                                                               "Back To Never" 

                                                               Independent Release





I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all experienced the type of toxic relationship where we break up, get back together, break up again, and so forth and so on. We allow our loneliness to be the catalyst for making a bad judgement call just to ease some of the pain we’re feeling, thus beginning the cycle all over again.

That’s exactly what Crystal McGrath’s new song “Back To Never” is all about.

In the follow-up to “About A Boy,” McGrath takes us straight into a very recognizable story as she twists us through the opening verse where she sets everything in motion by singing the line, “I sent one text, I knew what would happen next, you’d end up showing up on my front steps.”

From here, though, McGrath masterfully then pulls us through a list of convincing reasons to not to do the back-and-forth thing again, knowing that it will only lead to hearts breaking in the end.

The chorus sings of how they’ll start throwing around words like forever if they do in fact come back to one another and repeat the past again, whereas the second verse takes more of a honest look in the mirror as she sings of how their relationship has always truly been: “Most nights, we fight about who’s wrong or right.”

On the surface, “Back To Never” is an emotionally charged song that encompasses all of whom Crystal McGrath is as a songwriter and artist. There is a solid balance between the mid-tempo melody and the smoothness of the instrumentation that allows McGrath’s vocals to be elevated throughout the verses as they pound there way to the chorus while allowing her solid lyrics to then take the spotlight.

However, digging deeper than the surface, “Back To Never” tackles a very necessary topic. So many people stay stuck in this toxic type of relationship, and this is the kind of song that can provide the inspiration for them to boldly walk away from it.

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)



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