Single Reviews

  BELLES - Porcelain - Deluge Records

With hotly received singles “Trust Issues” and “What in the Truck” combining with 70 million cumulative views and streams of her original songs across all platforms and 1 million direct fan reach, rising country starlet Belles leaned on very bold statements late last year that have helped move the proverbial dial from artist to watch to one who is arriving.

She now turns the page into her next chapter with her latest offering, “Porcelain.”

“This song is a celebration of growth, not just in my music, but in how I view relationships and myself. I’m so excited for everyone to hear it, and I think it marks the beginning of something new and special for my journey as an artist,” Belles shares.

With a radio static effect leading the intro, the production skillfully sets the tone for the throwback feel embedded into the waltz infused melody that flows Belles incredible vocals as she balances pure thoughtfulness against her fluttering heart.

Co-written by Belles, Nell Maynard, and Cassidy Best, the essence of the song secures its depth in exploring honest vulnerability, tenderness, and the heart-raced emotions that arrive when the right person takes hold of your heartbeat, unscrambling the often hard to explain feelings of falling in love and giving them a firm definition.

Though her better half is “rough around the edges,” the typical embodiment of the blue-collar type, we see him carrying a softer, gentler side with her through the delicate touch he provides; both physically and emotionally.

Spotlighting the little things that he does that makes her heart swell, Belles confessionally checkmarks how his smile melts her like a piece of ice on concrete in July, how he cautiously slows at every yellow light cause she’s in the cab of his truck, and how he thoughtfully leaves love notes by her morning coffee cup and professes his love to her every night. 

Swooning with giddy appreciation and praising his patience and compassion with her varying emotional trusts, she slides into the sonnet inspired chorus:

“His collar is blue, and so are his eyes

He makes it his job to keep tears out of mine

He reins my wild heart and wild horses in

His hands are like leather, but he holds me like porcelain”

Though generally soaked with bits of sassy spitefulness (see “Man Outta Me” or “He Gave Me A Ring”), “Porcelain” instead offers a refreshing blissfulness in its contentment, not only gifting us a fresh perspective of her overall artistry but providing a showcase of her ability to continue to grow her sound while consistently flaring it with defining characteristics that make her stand out amongst the pack.

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)



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