Show Reviews


Friday October 11, 2024

@The Basement in Nashville, TN

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)

Tucked somewhere in the aura between the iconic past and the exhilarating future, the OG Basement in Nashville, Tennessee is the pure embodiment of a space that builds genre bending icons while introducing generation next to a crowd of music enthusiasts who are ready to revel in their discovery of the next big thing.

Kicking off "The Trust Issues Tour" in front of a very supportive home base of friends, co-writers, and her longest tenured supporters, Belles enthusiastically delivered her signature brand of traditionally twisted modern pop country, holding tightly to the foundational favorites that paved her path with an intrigued blush of what comes next.

Immediately showcasing her ability to bend her songwriting into clever play on words while grafting emotional tiles, she opened her set with the addictive "What in the Truck,” bopping through the tempo driven rhythm while spotlighting the ebbs and flows of her crisp, clean voice along balanced wavers of frustration that encompassed the fiery attitude of catching her better half cheating with another.

Building on the aftermath of losing out on love, songs like “Broken in Boots” and “Man Outta Me” further navigated moving on strains, map dotting what played out like the layers of a therapy session that continually exposed the slow healing reminder of who she is as she cautiously takes the next steps ahead while facing the mirror on what was.

However, crafted straight down the middle of a fractured heart and the freeing discovery that loving again is not a crime, an atmosphere of unbridled hope fluttered the flow of the night.

Where songs like “Choose Me Then” bounced it’s ultra-vibey rhythm along a diary page turn that saw her floatingly musing on if anyone would ever choose her for who she is, “Keep You From Her” shined a glimmer of confidence in the healing okay of being single through a heart tugged letter to the guy who just wasn’t right for her, encouraging that someday he’d find his perfect fit with another.

In what was a snapshot moment that arrived early in the set, new song “Porcelain” softened the pace and stunningly quieted the crowd to a standstill as she heart swooned over the blue-collar guy who came into her life, won her over, and challenged her tears to stay out of her eyes as he gently held her heart while allowing her to fall into him in her own timing.

The driving rhythm of the tongue and cheek anthem “I Hate Trucks” enticed the crowd into a sing along harmony as Belles swooned over the guys, the pick-up driving country boys, who she can't seem to resist, while completing the moving on punch when she ended the night with the sultry "He Gave Me a Ring," stamping the ultimate kiss off as she and the several females who anchored the crowd sang in unison, "He gave me a ring, I gave him the finger."

Pulling from her entire catalog to deliver a set that showcased who she is as a songwriter and artist, the natural fan favorites like “Trust Issues” and “Ring on the Table” precisely matched the flow of each next song as she painted pictures with her impressive vocal conviction, breathing each word of lyric to life while pulling the crowd in deeper with each next note.

Opening her heart through a blend of storytelling expertise that engulfed the heartache but also coming out the other side of it stronger, though certainly a 50-minute highlight reel of one of country music’s most intriguing young artists to watch, Belles empowered through a transparent honesty that banded the brokenness back together.

1) What in The Truck
2) Trust Issues
3) Porcelain
4) Ring on the Table
5) Broken in Boots
6) Keep You From Her
7) Billie Jean (Michael Jackson cover performed with her brother, Drew)
8) Man Outta Me
9) Choose Me Then
10) Forget To Remember You
11) Still The One (Shania Twain cover performed with opening act Trevor Martin)
12) I Hate Trucks
13) He Gave Me The Ring


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